The first reason why our area became the heart of traditional ceramics is the abundance of the basic raw material and water. Today clay is still the necessary ingredient and we use high quality mixes from clay pits in Italy and Europe. We press the wet clay in plaster moulds, a complex procedure that, unlike industrial processes, ensures careful control of every single item.

Materials, hands, time

The second reason is the creative culture. Once out of the mould, each piece is cleaned and imperfections removed by hand, thence transformed in the kiln into an unchangeable artefact. The decoration is also carried out manually with a combination of enamel paints and crystalline substances using our own formulas in order to create particular reflections and iridescence. The final firing is performed in muffle ovens, requiring long cycles to bring out the tonal and colour effects. Time is what really characterises our products, even if technology has certainly aided and speeded up the search for innovative solutions. Always the work of human hands, the outcome of great patience and revealed only at the end, our products have the special guarantee of unique pieces of work.

Personalising the product

Custom projects can be found at the crossroads of craftsmanship and aesthetic research. Aside from our collections, we collaborate with major architecture studies in Italy and abroad in the development of small or large-scale personalised projects, by integrating artisan skills with industrial production in order to realise the more complex projects.The vast range of colours and finishes represents one of our points of excellence. We are able to fine-tune our work to achieve any shade desired, starting with our paints, and through the use of gold, platinum, copper, and bronze to obtain special shimmering effects.

Respect for the environment, love for people

Because of the close links to our territory and community we strive to minimise the impact of our activities. Cutting-edge purifying systems are used to clean the water and our furnaces are powered by solar energy. The quest for beauty goes in tandem with the technical research for sustainability, also in the smallest details, for example the use of rice glue for the hanging of mosaics, or our decision to use paper-based tape and recycled paper throughout every phase of our operations.As artisans we value people above all else. We are a small team, who put trust in manual skills and technical know-how. Women make up 80% of the workforce.